Channel: Official Steven Furtick
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: steven furtick sermonssermons about truthpreaching2022 sermonsexperiencefactspastor steven furtickfreedomidentitypreacherliesperspectivetruth or trapdrop the trashsteven furtickbehaviorsermons about freedombelieflearn your lessontruth from godelevation churchdesireschangelive your truthknow the truthdevil you’ve held me long enoughtruthtrash for truthelevation church sermonsfeelings
Description: Don’t believe the enemy’s lies. In “You Are Not Trash,” we’re challenged to let go of the enemy’s lies so we can hold on to the truth of God. This is an excerpt from “Devil You've Held Me Long Enough.” To watch the full message, click here: —— Stay Connected Website: Steven Furtick Facebook: Steven Furtick Instagram: Steven Furtick Twitter: #stevenfurtick #stevenfurticksermons #youarenottrash #devilyouveheldmelongenough #freedom #truth #belief #dropthetrash #2021sermon #onlinechurch #churchonline Section Titles: 0:00 - Learning To Detect Lies 2:24 - How God Speaks To You 4:28 - Why You Can't Hold The Truth 6:25 - Do You Need Freedom Today? 8:16 - The Devil Has Held You Long Enough 10:04 - You Are Not Worthless Scripture References: John 8, verses 31-32 You Are Not Trash | Steven Furtick